a very hot weekend.

2 12 2007


It was a pretty good weekend, with good company, great weather and nice food!

The occasion was my family chalet at Loyang. While my dad’s side has regular get-togethers at chalets and birthdays, it’s a rarer happening on my mum’s side of the family. So it was good to get everyone together, especially in the wake of my uncle’s passing just a few weeks ago.


Probably the best chalet in Singapore. Check out the amount of parking space we had! And the whole bungalow was ours too.

Happy camera whores kids :D

This is my adorable niece Megan, two. She’s really really cute! And she loves to eat XD Look how she’s grown since the last time I took a photo of her!

Here’s my cousin who stayed overnight at the chalet with us. He’s going to Primary One next year.

My poor dad had some trouble keeping up with the hyperactive boy :P

BBQ on Sunday night! There was lots and lots to eat.

I had to go home last night because of today’s presentation… but still, it was a really enjoyable weekend, especially the time spent talking to my cousins and nephews/nieces whom I don’t see much of. Hopefully there’ll be more such gatherings next time!



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