six months past.

23 06 2006


It's coming to the halfway point of the year soon; how time flies. As of today, I have taken a mind-boggling 2,476 photos this year D: Haha goodness me. Oh well, guess this is a good chance for me to do a recap of the past six months in photos. While doing this entry, I found a trend in the sort of pictures I take: of food, of me and agent s., and just some random stuff. ;)

January 2006

Fireworks at midnight on New Year's Day. Has the year turned out the way I thought it would? Hmmm I don't know :X But it was a memorable night, as most New Years are.

tcc's former Warm Chocolate Cake, now known as Dark Devotion and much smaller (w) But still extremely delicious and the fudge is to die for!

Taken one evening at MOS Burger. I like this photo… think we look good together lah haha :$

February 2006

Ah, Valentine's Day. An elaborately planned surprise came off without a hitch, with a little help from my friends. ;)

Cooked dinner for jon's birthday. I did the food arrangement!

Ultimate Frisbee at Surf N Sweat with the RunningKnows people. Damn hot and tiring but also very, very fun.

March 2006

My favourite scenery shot of the year: an out-of-bounds quarry at Pulau Ubin. We got caught by the police afterwards, oops. :X

Starbucks' caramel machiatto is now officially my preferred hot drink. :)

March was ugly month for me :( In glasses most of the time due to an eye infection.

April 2006

Went to Concave Scream's album launch at Zouk! Haven't gone clubbing this year though (a) Oh yah and we went with momingeek and furby :D

Banana chocolate cake at Cheesecake Cafe. I want to eat it now! D:

A rare photo of shucks not taken by ourselves, heheh. It was her birthday!

May 2006

Got my iPod and met lady boss pei fen at her store! :D

Coffee Club's garlic prawn pasta is still one of my favourite things to eat, yum.

New favourite hangout place: tcc at **** (location witheld :X)

June 2006

Me and Becks in Hong Kong, haha.

Mango dessert is awesome! I love mango! XD

I like this one 'cos although we're both visibly tired, I think we look comfortable in each other's presence. And that's one of the best things I like about us. :)


That's all folks! Rest assured there will be more good photos in store for the rest of the year ;)



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