hip city is out!

23 06 2006


Listening to:

Electrico – Hip City (2006)

Yes it's out! It was released at HMV yesterday evening but I couldn't get a copy at other shops… so today no choice went down to the CitiLink branch, where I found it in about 10 seconds and was in and out of the shop in about two minutes flat, haha :P

I've actually heard some of the album tracks before, having attended their live shows… some of them have been played for a year or more already! But the studio versions sound more polished of course.A proper review will follow soon, after I've listened to it a couple more times. ;)

In related news… this is page two of the CD sleeve, where the shoutouts are:

And oh hey guess what! I see a familiar name in there! :O

Jie Hao, Jovena, Karen Pang, Lester, Maggie…

Alamak that's me! Hahaha XD "For acting above and beyond the call of duty"… now what did I to deserve this man! Well well, there's a first time for everything eh… first (and probably the only?!) time I will see my name on a CD sleeve, hahaha XD



5 responses

23 06 2006

hahaha what did u do to make them remember u??

23 06 2006

haha i don’t know!

24 06 2006

hmm… are you in their official fan club??

24 06 2006

ahhh! i see my chinese name (yunli) !!!!! but that’s not me la. hhaha

24 06 2006

i don’t think they have an official fan club!

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