six months past.

23 06 2006


It's coming to the halfway point of the year soon; how time flies. As of today, I have taken a mind-boggling 2,476 photos this year D: Haha goodness me. Oh well, guess this is a good chance for me to do a recap of the past six months in photos. While doing this entry, I found a trend in the sort of pictures I take: of food, of me and agent s., and just some random stuff. ;)

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hip city is out!

23 06 2006


Listening to:

Electrico – Hip City (2006)

Yes it's out! It was released at HMV yesterday evening but I couldn't get a copy at other shops… so today no choice went down to the CitiLink branch, where I found it in about 10 seconds and was in and out of the shop in about two minutes flat, haha :P

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impossible is nothing.

23 06 2006


This World Cup season is proving to be a bane for some and a boon for most. ;) Besides food delivery companies who are raking in the bucks from hungry-in-the-middle-of-the-night Singaporeans, those who have the cash to splurge on advertising campaigns this June will certainly reap the benefits too.

My favourite ad of recent times is certainly the newest adidas "Impossible Is Nothing" one, featuring José, a Spanish (?) kid wearing an old West Germany jersey.

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