errand day.

15 06 2006


Wow, I haven’t been updating much have I? Heheh. Been pretty busy going out, watching World Cup, and trying to complete the travelogue (still a work in progress :$).

Today was a very, very busy day. But it was good ‘cos I managed to spend some time with her. :)

After getting less than 5 hours of sleep last night, I woke up bright and early today. She had some errands to run in town before work so I went with her lor, haha. After lunch, she had to go off so it was up to me to help submit her entry for a photography competition!

Some things I learnt today:
1) Making digital prints in 8R size is freakin’ expensive
2) Funan Mac’s is a hotbed of geeks with laptops skiving off work, heheh
3) Selegie Road is NOT near City Hall on foot

Oh yes, and I bumped into shihui and was spotted by pei fen too. ;)

Writing the photo descriptions to attach to the back of the mounting boards. She had earlier scribbled them on a piece of paper on the way to town. XD

One of the six photos submitted. I really like how the pictures look when blown up to such a large size! Too bad the entries are non returnable… (w)

And finally, here’s a place I didn’t know existed, haha. It’s where I went to submit the entry… man was it a relief to finally get there. ;) Damn tiring day! But it wasn’t over yet…



4 responses

16 06 2006
pei fen

you got it right about the geeks skiving off part!

16 06 2006

haha are you one of them? ;)

17 06 2006

selegie centre is nearer to dhoby ghaut by foot~!

17 06 2006

haha yes now i know (w)

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